And be thankful.
The last of the rice was all tucked safely in to its dryers on Tuesday evening, with only one of the harvesters still running. And then it rained for Halloween -- and I was even extra glad that harvest was over! Seriously -- so grateful to get my hubby back on a more normal schedule!
But -- It's the first of the month. Time for my "Just Three" report -- and time for you to link up! (I love these reports!)
(Rules -- think of three goals for the month, report them, and then link up here and check out the others! Of course you can work on whatever you want -- it's mostly meant for fun and a little bit of structure) The button is in my side-bar over there...
Here is last month's report!
1) Finish playing with these pretty fabrics, and get this quilt for Laura Gunn done, sent to Lindsay for quilting, and off to Quilt Market! It will also have a pattern!
The pattern is not ready quite yet -- but soon! But the quilt was done!
This is my "Cosmic" quilt, and was my entry for the Bloggers' Quilt Festival!
It's voting time at the Festival! My quilt was nominated as favorite"bed" quilt -- I'd love it if you voted for me. :)
It was fun to be able to contribute something to Laura's pretty booth though! And I did feel proud of my first Market quilt. ♥
2) Give my baby girl a handmade birthday. She needs a dolly, and a dress. I need to get started on some little handmade Christmas something's for Steiger as well.
Scarlet's dress needs buttonholes before her pictures tomorrow! (I haven't made buttonholes since junior high!)
But I did make her a little cozy dolly (I used this little Sleepykins pattern, and made the top patchwork)
3) Make my pillow talk pillow!
My pillow isn't quite done yet, but I have made progress! My partner wanted a palette of blue and green, loves scrappy, and Denyse Schmidt fabrics. I hope she likes this! (I think she will).
This month's goals:
1) Finish Pickledish! (it's nearly half-way quilted!)
2) Finish Treasure Boxes (we'll be linking up the week of Nov. 20 for prizes!)
3) Learn to knit! Amanda is coming over tomorrow! yea!
That quilt is very pretty! What an accomplishment to have your quilt displayed at Market.
Way to go!
Wonderful quilt I have always loved Laura Gunn's Poppies so this is my second favorite fabric. Congrats on your first quilt at market.
What a sweet dolly.
I like your list for November.
I will ponder mine and come back. I've been avoiding Just 3 for too long. =)
I needed Just Three this month :)
That doll is just adorable.
Way to go on your Just Three! Have a ball (or skein) tomorrow!
You got my nomination for bed quilt. :)
That quilt is beeyootiful. Love it so much. Gonna go read more about it.
Cosmic is very pretty! Congrats on the display.
Cosmic is very pretty! Congrats on the display.
Wow, Tracey. You were solo parenting (essentially) and look at all you accomplished. You're so amazing.
Good luck with your list :o)
I'm just home from a long trip and catching up, love what you've been working on :o)
Love this quilt!
LOVE your Cosmic quilt and so cool that it went to Market! Good luck learning to knit... just don't let it steal too much quilting time;-)
Your quilt is so beautiful!
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